Michael Pullinger
New technologies are revolutionizing the world of energy. The sight of a majestic wind turbine on the horizon can be an inspiring demonstration of our strides towards a cleaner future. But renewable energy takes many forms. Building owners can be much more than spectators.
Michael Pullinger
How do you predict the performance of something that is composed of countless components interacting in complex ways, costs millions of dollars to build, and for which there is no 'second chance' to get it right? Wesley Dunn, Co-op Student
Tomorrow is my last day of a work term at Energy Revolution Services and I would like to provide my perspective as a newcomer to the clean energy sector. I started my career as a Petroleum Engineering Technologist and worked in that field for four years as a supervisor for an oil and gas services company. I gained a lot of valuable experience, along with many useful skills, but ultimately my passion was not in the oil and gas industry. My passion was elsewhere, but how would I find it?
Michael Pullinger
Our most successful clients are those that keep an open mind. They frequently receive pleasant surprises. But we also pride ourselves on steering clients away from projects that won't work. If a project simply isn't going to meet a client's goals, there is no benefit in sugar-coating the news. Michael Pullinger
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen disruption on a scale few of us have seen in our lifetime. This may prompt many to think about how to be more self-sufficient during future upheavals. Using my own household, this article illustrates the challenges involved in energy self-sufficiency. But this could easily apply to businesses, buildings, or industrial sites. |
May 2024